








Friday, March 23, 2007


Beberapa tahun yang lalu, Google mula menerima pemasangan iklan via banner dalam setiap proses pencarian via www.google.com. Google menyebut programnya ini dengan nama : Google Adwords. Kemudian Google juga menawarkan kepada para pemilik website untuk ikut menampilkan iklan dari Google ini, dengan bayaran system bagi hasil 'pembayaran setiap klik' .

Jadi jika pemasang iklan via Adwords membayar sekian dollar/sen kepada Google untuk setiap klik iklan mereka, maka sebahagian akan diberikan ke pemilik website yang ikut program ini, disebut Google Adsense.
Dari pengamatan saya, member Google Adsense terbahagi kepada 2 kumpulan:

1-Websitenya yang menggantungkan 100% dari Adsense
2-Adsense digunakan sebagai penghasilan tambahan dari content asli website itu.

Ciri-ciri no. 1 :Kandungan website tidak adanya content yang kuat, contoh: Blog
Ciri-ciri no. 2 :Kandungan websitenya berisikan content yang jelas , misal : kedai online, laman komuniti, product barang, dll.


1-Sebelum mendaftar, siapkan website yang akan didaftarkan, website berbahasa Inggeris lebih baik dari pada berbahasa Malaysia. Mempunyai domain sendiri adalah lebih baik supaya diterima oleh google. Website ini hanya untuk saat pendaftaran, kerana selepas diterima permohonan Adsense Google mampu menerima sehingga 200 website dalam satu account. Pastikan website anda yang sudah mempunyai kandungan dan jelas isi kandungannya ketika mendaftar. klik disini untuk mendaftar

2-Ketika mendaftar, anda perlu berhati-hati, jangan memasukkan informasi yang salah atau tidak tepat, Ini kerana ia akan membabitkan masalah pembayaran.Terutamanya NAMA dan ALAMAT jangan sampai tersalah setiap ejaan. Jika berlaku kesilapan data tadi, anda akan mempunyai masalah di saat menerima pembayaran (Cek). Pastikan ianya sama seperti Kad Pengenalan anda.

LANGKAH SETELAH PERMOHONAN ANDA DITERIMA.1- Masukkan kod script adsense ke website anda.

2-Promosikan website anda. Cara untuk promosi terlalu banyak. Bentuk promosi yang paling baik adalah melalui Search Engine dengar mendaftar website anda di situ. Ada 3 search engine yang paling penting dan tersohor : 1. Google, 2. Yahoo dan 3. MSN

3- Jangan cuba melakukan spam dengan cara sering meng-klik iklan google di website anda sendiri. Jika dapat dikesan,akaun anda boleh di banned oleh system di GA (Google Adsense). Sistem mengesan sah atau tidak sesuatu klik pada banner iklan adsense itu amat canggih, tidak hanya berdasarkan ip address saja, tetapi berdasarkan beberapa kriteria tertentu. Anda tidak perlu tahu bagaimana sistem canggih yang digunakan tetapi fokuskan bagaimana membuat promosi dan memperkasakan isi content website anda supaya mampu menarik pengunjung yang lebih ramai.

1-Ketika pendapatan anda di GA mencapai USD50, maka anda akan dihantar no pin untuk pengesahan, namun ini jarang berlaku. Jika anda tidak menerimanya ia tidak menjadi masalah.

2-Setelah jumlah pembayaran kepada anda telah mencapai USD100 ke atas, maka pihak Google akan segera membuat sebuah cek untuk anda dan akan menghantarnya ke alamat yang anda isi ketika membuat pendaftaran/permohonan.
3-Pengirimanan cek oleh Google mempunyai dua cara:

i-Melalui pos biasa (lebih kurang sebulan akan sampai). Kos pengiriman ini adalah percuma(ditanggung oleh Google)

ii-. Melalui courier (DHL/Fedex), memakan masa lebih kurang seminggu anda akan menerimanya. Kos penghantarannya ialah USD24 untuk setiap kirim.

4-Cek Google biasanya dari Bank HSBC atau Citibank.

5-Untuk proses penukaran cek, anda boleh tunaikan di bank-bank tempatan dan akan dikenakan sedikit 'charge'. Charge yang dikenakan bergantung pada bank tersebut. Bank Islam RM10..

1-Setelah pendapatan anda mencapai USD100 dan ianya dihantar melalui pos biasa, anda akan menerima duit tunai itu boleh memakan masa paling lewat 2 bulan (1 bulan untuk proses penghantaran, 1 bulan untuk ditunaikan di bank). Tempohnya memang agak lama, namun anggap sahaja ianya adalah umpama pelaburan jangka panjang.

2-Jika pendapatan anda belum besar dan anda tidak tergesa-gesa untuk menerimanya, lebih baik duit dari akaun Google Adsense anda itu diperam dahulu. Kumpulkan hasi
l dari beberapa bulan dulu , jika sudah dirasa besar jumlahnya, barulah minta dikirim!.Kirimlah melalui DHL/Fedex untuk lebih cepat dan lebih selamat kerana jumlah yang anda akan terima adalah lumayan. -ini hanya satu cadangan-

3- Jika pengiriman melalui pos biasa tetapi dalam tempoh 1 bulanpun belum sampai, anda boleh minta cek itu diganti semula. Dan cek yang terdahulu secara automatik tidak akan laku. Cek hanya boleh ditunaikan oleh sipenama yang tertera dalam cek itu sahaja.

Google Adsense adalah suatu bentuk Internet Marketing yang terbaik. Boleh dijadikan sebagai sumber pendapatan sampingan(side income) bagi mereka yang sudah berkerjaya atau boleh dijadikan sebagai pendapatan tetap bagi mereka yang belum bekerjaya. Pada peringkat awal, anda harus mestilah berusaha lebih dan memberi komitmen seperti mengupdate isikandungan website dan membuat promosi dan terus membuat promosi. Setelah anda mempunyai hasil yang besar , maka boleh dikatakan bahawa pendapatan anda akan terus stabil di angka itu untuk setiap bulan. Semakin banyak promosi anda mampu meraih pendapatan yang lebih besar setiap bulan.

Jangan mengharapkan dalam tempoh yang singkat anda akan dapat hasil yang bertimbun. Ia bergantung pada masa, isi kandungan website dan promosi anda!. Menurut pengalaman mereka yang berjaya, pada peringkat awalnya hanya terima sekitar USD100 sebulan Namun,lama kelamaan ada yang mencapai USD1000 sebulan. Anda juga mampu memperolehinya.Yakin dan Percayalah.

Tapi bagi anda yang ingin mengetahui Rahasia Melipatgandakan Dollar dari Google Adsense Dalam Beberapa Jam, Rahasia Yang 98% Para Pebisnis Adsense Tidak Mengetahuinya! Rahasia Untuk Mendapatkan Penghasilan Minimal $4500/bulan Dari Google Adsense dengan menggunakan Metode Instant, Metode ini dapat diterapkan dengan mudah, walaupun anda masih baru atau pemula bahkan yang awam sekalipun di Bisnis Adsense karena metode akan mengulasnya dari awal. Dapat rahasianya di:

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Using the UNIX Mail Program

Using the UNIX Mail Program



    The UNIX mail program is a basic e-mail program. It allows the
    sending and receiving of text-only
    e-mail. It is not MIME-compliant, and therefore is not suitable
    for sending binary files such as images,
    word processor documents, or spreadsheets. For such items, use
    the Pine mail program, or one of the
    graphical mail clients such as Netscape 7 or Outlook
    Express 6
    . See Other Mail
    for more information.

    For incoming mail, there are commands to read, save, delete,
    and reply to messages. For sending mail,
    you can edit, review, and make other changes to a message as it is
    composed, and then send it to one or
    more individuals, or to a list of people.

Conventions Used in this Document

    Text style:



    keywords, glossary entries and text that
    is emphasized.


    text that is emphasized.


    a computer response or prompt as shown on

    bold fixed

    commands you type in (commands should be
    typed in lower case-unless otherwise

    italic fixed

    substituting a required variable or

Sending Mail

    To send e-mail to a person you need to know the person's
    login name and host computer
    . This is known as the person's e-mail address.
    To send mail type:

      Mail login-name@hostname

      Note:To call the UNIX Mail program in the WAM or
      Glue UNIX systems, you must issue the
      Mail command with an uppercase M.
      Using a lowercase m will call a
      different mail program. In the OIT cluster, you may use
      either upper or lowercase.

    Suppose you want to send mail to John Smith whose e-mail
    address is jsmith@wam.umd.edu. At the
    UNIX prompt you would type:

      Mail jsmith@wam.umd.edu

    and press Return. Here, jsmith is the login name
    and wam.umd.edu is the address of
    the host computer, or system, on which John has an account.

    It is not necessary to include the system address if the person
    you are sending mail to has an account
    on the machine from which you are sending mail. If sending mail
    from your WAM account to another WAM
    account holder, you only type:

      Mail jsmith

    and press Return. Otherwise, you need the full e-mail

    For help in sending mail to an e-mail address that doesn't look
    like an Internet address, contact the
    Help Desk at 301.405.1500 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00
    p.m. Monday-Friday.

    After you issue the Mail command, the mail program will
    prompt you for the subject of your
    mail. If you wish to include a subject, type it and press
    Return; if you don't want a subject,
    press Return only. The mail program will then prompt you
    with Cc: to send a carbon copy of
    the mail item. If you want to send a copy of the message to
    someone else, enter their login name/address or
    aliases (see Using Mail Aliases) at the
    Cc: prompt. If you do not want to send any
    carbon copies, press Return.

    You are now placed in the mail program's message editor. As you
    type your message, remember to press
    Return at the end of each line.

      Note: If you do not press Return at the
      end of each line, it may appear as though
      the system is inserting Returns but, in fact, this
      is not the case. If you do not press
      Return your keyboard will lock up after 256
      keystrokes, thus preventing you from

Editing Your Message

    If you make mistakes while typing your message and wish to
    correct them, use the Delete (or
    Del) key to erase them. You must make your corrections
    before pressing Return.

    Several functions can be invoked by typing a ~ (tilde)
    followed by an option character at the
    beginning of a blank line:


      gives you a list of the tilde
      escapes that are available.

      ~v or ~e

      ("visual" or "editor") each of
      these options, used at the beginning of a
      line, will invoke editors to
      create, modify, or add to your
      message. Editors make it possible
      to correct lines other than the one you
      are typing, move text, and perform
      other word processing operations that
      aren't possible with the message
      editor in the mail program.

    If you have not customized your EDITOR or VISUAL environment
    variables, on the OIT Cluster you'll get by


      the vi editor.


      the ex editor.

    On WAM and Glue, the default editor for both is

    When you finish with your text and are ready to send the mail,
    save the text and exit from the editor
    using the commands appropriate for that editor.

    If you have customized your EDITOR or VISUAL environment
    variables, use the commands appropriate to that

    For more information about text editors, see the documents at


      Note: On WAM and Glue, the default
      .environment file contains lines which you can
      uncomment and comment out to change from pico to

    If you prefer to use a different editor from the default, you
    can set either ~v or ~e (or
    both) to call that editor. All you have to know is where the
    editor you want to use is located on your
    system. You can find this out by using the UNIX which
    command. For instance, if you wanted to use
    the emacs editor, you could find out where it is by

      which emacs

    On Glue, OIT UNIX cluster, or WAM, a pathname is displayed:


    You would then use this information to type one of the
    following commands at the UNIX prompt before you
    start the mail program to have either ~e or ~v
    automatically put you into emacs:

      for ~e:

      setenv EDITOR

      for ~v:

      setenv VISUAL

    If, instead of typing the setenv command, you place it
    in the appropriate startup file
    (~/.environment on WAM/Glue or appropriate shell
    configuration file of the cluster,
    i.e. .cshrc), your chosen editor will always be available
    using the appropriate ~-option. You
    can also do this by putting one of the following commands in your
    .mailrc file (along with any other
    mailer set commands you think would be useful).

      for ~e:


      for ~v:


    If you are using one of these special editors, the
    ~-options described in this document (which
    are part of the mail program's message editor) will not work until
    you leave that special editor.


      allows changes to your message
      header (i.e., you can change the
      To: (recipient) and Cc: (carbon
      copy) lists and also change the
      Subject: line).

      ~m message#

      places a mail message you've
      received from someone else into your current
      mail message (Reading your
      messages for a description of a message
      number). The inserted message is
      shifted to the right by a tab - usually
      about 8 spaces. This may make the
      text a bit difficult for the recipient to
      read, since lines that are shifted
      beyond 80 columns will wrap around on
      the reader's screen, looking like

      Here is your note accompanying the forwarded message
      And here is the forwarded message, which is in-
      8 spaces and then wraps around into the empty
      where the indentation is, making it hard to read

    An alternative approach is to save the message you want to
    forward, and put it into a file using the
    s command (see Saving Mail Messages).
    When you write to the person to whom you
    wish to forward the message, you can place it in the e-mail with
    the ~r option (see below), which
    doesn't indent it. For clarity, it also helps to use a separator
    to indicate where your mail ends and the
    appended message begins:

    -------------- forwarded message

      ~r filename

      reads all contents of the file
      known as filename into your current
      message following the line you
      just typed before the ~r.

      ~s new-subject

      changes the subject line to
      new-subject (it can be more than one word).

      ~t users

      adds users to the To: list
      (the list of people receiving your
      message); users can be any
      combination of login-name@mailaddresses and
      aliases (see Using
      Mail Aliases

      ~w filename

      writes (saves) your message to the
      file known as filename.

      For example,

      ~w bob.feb12

      would save the current message to
      a file called bob.feb12.

      ~! command

      executes a UNIX command, but does
      not put the output in your mail message.


      includes a single tilde as the
      first character of a line.

Sending Your Message

    Once the message has been entered and is ready to be mailed (be
    sure to exit any editors you may have
    called with ~e or ~v), there are two ways by which
    to send the mail and then exit the mail
    program. In either case, first press Return to place the
    cursor on a blank line. Then, either press
    Ctrl-d (hold down the Ctrl (Control) key and type
    d), or type a period (.) in
    column 1 and press Return.

Aborting Your Message

    If you decide that you want to quit the mail program without
    sending your message, press Ctrl-c
    twice. This command can not be issued while you are in an editor.
    After pressing Ctrl-c the first time,
    the mail program will prompt you to confirm that you wish to exit
    without sending your message. The message
    will be saved in a file named dead.letter in your home
    directory. This is useful if you decide to send
    the mail message later. If you abort another mail message, the
    mail program overwrites the previous contents
    of the dead.letter file; so, if you wish to keep the
    contents of the first file, you should either
    rename it or move
    it to another directory.

Sending Mail

    While using the mail program to read mail messages, you can
    also send a mail message. Refer to
    Other Mail Commands, for details.

Receiving and Reading Mail

    If there are mail messages waiting for you when you log in to
    your UNIX account, you will see
    the message:

      You have mail

    On the OIT cluster, you are automatically placed into the mail
    program. On other machines, enter the
    program by typing:


    at the system prompt followed by pressing Return. A "new
    mail has arrived" message appears (if you
    received new mail while reading mail already in your mailbox).

    When you first start the mail program, it tells you how many
    messages are waiting and then displays the
    header information for each message. The header information lists
    the mail address of the sender, the date
    and time the message was sent, the number of lines and characters
    in the message, and as much of the
    message's subject line as will fit on the screen.

    The illustration in the next section indicates what a typical
    UNIX mail account would display indicating
    three new (N) mail messages and one old mail message which
    was unread (U).

    After the header information for the messages has been
    displayed, you can read or issue mail commands at
    the mail program prompt (&).

    Some systems use the ">" symbol at the beginning of a line
    which indicates this particular message is
    the default message (i.e., the message that will be manipulated if
    you do not specify a particular message
    number). This message is the one referred to in the explanations
    below as the "current message".

Reading Your Messages

    To read a particular mail message, type the number of that
    message at the mail prompt (&) and
    press Return. For instance, to read the message from
    akins@umd5.umd.edu below, type 2

    at the & prompt and press Return:

      & 2

        Mail $Revision: $  Type ? for help..  Type ? for
        help. "/usr/spool/mail/userid":4 messages 3 new

        U 1 jdoe@umd5.umd.edu Tue Aug 27 11:56 12/4182
        >N 2 akins@umd5.umd.edu Wed Aug 28 09:12 13/33 "Good
        N 3 johndoe Wed Aug 28 13:40 16/360
        N 4 johndoe Thu Aug 29 10:14 82/1697 "lunch today?"


    The mail message will be displayed on your screen. If the
    message is more than one screen long, the
    program will display a single screenful at a time. A -MORE-
    message will appear at the bottom of the
    screen to tell you that additional information exists. To view the
    rest of the message, press the space
    . Refer to the Using Set Commands section
    in this document for information on
    scrolling through text that appears on your screen.

Message List

    If after reading any one mail item you wish to see the list of
    messages again, type h at the
    & prompt and press Return.

Replying to a Mail Message

    To respond to an e-mail message that you have received, use one
    of mail's two reply commands r or
    R. Both commands are issued by typing the command followed
    by the number of the e-mail message to
    which you wish to reply. For example:

      & r 2

    would reply to message number two. If a reply command is issued
    without a message number, a reply is
    generated for the current message.


      reply is sent to the original
      sender and all other recipients of the
      original mail message.


      reply is sent to the original
      sender only, not other recipients.

    The above commands differ only in who will receive the reply
    message. Remember the difference between
    the two reply commands. For example, if you are replying to a mail
    message sent by your professor to the
    entire class, you might prefer that only the professor receive
    your reply. Since the r and R

    commands are system dependant, the roles can change.

Cleaning Up Old Mail

    If you read your mail and take no further action, then when you
    exit from the mail program all of your
    messages will remain in your system mail file. The next time you
    read mail, the old messages will appear
    with any new mail you receive.

    You should save whatever mail you want to keep and make sure
    that all mail is deleted as soon as
    possible. On most systems, mail is held in a common area, and one
    person's accumulation of large volumes of
    mail potentially jeopardizes the ability of others to get mail.
    (On WAM and Glue, on the other hand, mail
    storage space comes out of your own personal quota, which you can
    handle in whatever manner is convenient for

    The mail program's keepsave setting determines whether
    mail that you save elsewhere is
    automatically deleted or not. Some systems at the University have
    keepsave set to retain mail after
    you save it; others have it unset to delete such mail. You can
    check this with the set command, and,
    if you prefer, change it.

Saving Mail Messages

    To save a mail message in a file, you must issue the save
    command (s), followed by the numbers of
    the messages you wish to save and the name of the file you wish to
    save them in. There is no standard
    file-you must give a file name.

      & s message_list filename

    When using the save command, the message_list can
    specify several message numbers, a single
    message number, a range of numbers, or no message number. If you
    do not specify a message number, the
    "current" message is saved to the file. For example, to save two
    messages (numbers 3 and
    4) in a file named johnmail, type:

      & s 3 4 johnmail

Deleting Mail Messages

    Once you have read and/or saved a message, it is important to
    remember to delete it (if it is still
    there). The delete (d) command is used for this purpose.
    Simply type the delete command followed by
    the message numbers of the messages you wish to delete.

      & d message_list

    For example:

      & d 3 4

    This will delete messages 3 and 4 (which you
    saved previously in a file named
    johnmail). A range of numbers can be deleted by using a
    hyphen. To delete messages
    1 through 20 you would type the command as

      & d 1-20

Undeleting Mail Messages

    There is an undelete (u) command that you can use to
    reactivate messages which have been
    deleted; however the undelete command only works if you have not
    yet exited the mail program. After exiting
    the mail program, any messages that have been deleted cannot be

Exiting the Mail Program

    There are two ways to exit the mail program:

      Type q and press Return. This exits the
      mail program and removes any deleted or
      saved messages so that the next time you read your mail,
      the deleted and saved messages will not

      Type x and press Return. This exits the
      mail program but does not remove any
      deleted or saved messages. All messages will show up when
      you next call up the mail program.

Other Mail Commands

    There are many other commands you can use to manipulate your
    mail messages. Some of the most useful mail
    commands are briefly described in this section.

    In the following descriptions, a message_list may
    consist of a single mail message number, a list
    of message numbers separated by spaces, a range of message numbers
    whose numbers are separated by a hyphen
    (e.g., 2-4), or a combination of any of these. For

      d 3

      d 3 5 6

      d 3-5

      d 3-5 7 10-14

    If a message_list is not given, the mail program uses
    the current message.

    A user_list consists only of user names and mail
    addresses separated by spaces, such as:

      m jdoe@wam.umd.edu




      displays a list of some of the
      mail commands.

      ! command

      executes a UNIX command then
      returns to the mail program.

      d msg. #

      deletes the # message.

      e message_list

      edits listed messages with the
      EDITOR text editor (see Editing
      Your Message


      displays header information for
      the twenty most recent active mail

      m user_list

      sends a mail message to the listed
      users (this works the same as sending
      mail from the command line).


      displays the next message.


      exits the mail program and removes
      any deleted or saved messages. The next
      time you read mail, the deleted
      and saved messages will not appear.

      r msg. #

      replies to the message numbered #.
      The subject line is the same as the
      original message #, but a "Re:"
      will be prefixed to show that it is a
      reply. Reply is sent to the
      original sender and all other recipients of
      the original message.

      R msg. #

      sends a reply only to the original
      sender. This is similar to the r
      msg command.

      Note: The r and R commands act
      as described above on some systems (WAM
      and the UNIX cluster), and the
      opposite way on others (Glue-where you can
      set the replyall setting, not
      available on most other systems, to reverse
      their meaning if you wish-see Using Set Commands). It is
      a good idea to do a man
      command on your system to make sure
      you know how these two commands

      s msg.# filename

      saves the numbered message to a

      u message_list

      undeletes listed message(s).

      Note: The undelete command only
      restores messages if you have not yet
      quit the mail program. If you have
      quit the mail program, deleted messages
      cannot be restored.

      v message_list

      edits listed messages with the
      VISUAL text editor.

      x or ex

      exits the mail program, but does
      not remove deleted or saved messages from
      the mail file.

Customizing Your Mail Environment

    The UNIX mail program allows you to customize your mail
    environment to make it easier to send and
    receive mail. These commands can be issued from the mail prompt
    (&) or made automatic by placing
    them in a file named .mailrc in your home directory.

Using Mail Aliases

    The mail program provides a timesaving feature called
    alias. Aliases are abbreviated names that
    represent the mail address of a single user or several users. They
    allow you to send mail to a group of
    people quickly without requiring you to remember all of their
    individual mail addresses, or to a single
    user with a long or difficult-to-remember address. The
    alias command is used to define aliases. For
    example, a simple alias could look like:

      alias rob rob@wam.umd.edu

    and a group alias could look like:

      alias class rob@umd5.umd.edu mark

    The latter would create an alias named class that
    consists of the three class members listed. A
    group alias can consist of actual addresses, aliases or a
    combination of both. If you use the alias
    command to define an alias while in the mail program, it will
    exist until you exit the mail program; if
    you put the alias command in your .mailrc file, it
    will be available every time you send

    To use a mail alias after you create it, substitute the alias
    name for the login name and mail address
    you would normally provide when sending mail. For example:

      Mail class

    sends mail to all the users listed under the alias class
    in the .mailrc file.

    If you have more names in your alias list than will fit on one
    80-column line, you have three

    1. Keep typing without pressing Return, allowing
      the text to wrap around from line to
      line. You can do this for up to 255 characters-a little
      over 3 lines-but it is sloppy.
    2. Type the list on several lines, but end each line with
      a \ (backslash) and press Return
      (the word alias only goes on the first line).
    3. Make aliases for subsets of your list, and then make a
      final alias consisting of a list of
      these "sub-aliases".

Using Set Commands

    Many mail program options can be set with the mail program
    set command. These options can be
    used temporarily by issuing the set command while using the
    mail program, or permanently by placing
    the desired set commands in your .mailrc. The
    default system options for the mail program
    are set in the file /etc/mail/Mail.rc for WAM/Glue and
    /usr/share/lib/Mail.rc on the
    cluster. You can set additional options, or unset system defaults
    with the unset command, in your

    Set command options are either binary or valued.
    Binary set options are either set or not
    set (on or off), there is no value associated with them; valued
    set options are set to a particular
    value. Binary options can be set simply by using the set
    command and the option name.

      set option

    For example:

      set keepsave

    Binary options can be unset by using the unset command
    and the option name. For example:

      unset askcc

    Valued options are set using the set command with a
    slightly different format.

      set option=value

    For example:

      set crt=24

    would signal the mail program that you are working within a 24
    line screen and it will pause every
    screenful of text accordingly.

    Several options can be set on a single line, such as:

      set append dot ask hold askcc

    You can see a list of the binary options that are on/set and
    value options that have a value by simply


    Some of the more useful set options are briefly described
    below. Valued set options are indicated
    as such, all other options are binary.

      Set option



      prompts you for a subject whenever
      you mail a message.


      prompts you for a carbon copy list
      whenever you mail a message.


      tells the mail program how many
      lines long your terminal screen is so that
      mail messages are displayed
      appropriately. The system default is 24
      lines. (crt is a valued


      allows you to use a .
      (period) alone on a line to send your message
      and quit the mail program.


      specifies the text editor to
      invoke when the ~e or e commands
      are used to edit a mail message.
      EDITOR is a valued option. Remember to
      specify the full pathname.

      On WAM and the OIT cluster, the
      paths for the emacs and vi

      editors are:




      messages that have been read but
      not deleted or saved are left in your
      system mail file.


      messages that have been saved to a
      file and are left in your system mail
      file instead of being deleted.


      allows you to receive a copy of
      the message.


      header information for messages in
      your system mail file is not displayed
      when you start the mail program.


      specifies the name of a file to
      which all outgoing mail messages are
      appended (record is a valued


      (Glue and Sun workstations)
      reverse the meaning of R and r to
      be like other systems in which
      r replies to all recipients and
      R replies to author.


      aborted messages are saved in the
      dead.letter file.


      specifies what text editor is
      invoked when the ~v or v

      commands are used to edit a mail
      message. VISUAL is a valued
      option. Remember to give the full
      path name of the editor as mentioned
      previously in the EDITOR
      description above.

Forwarding Your Mail to Another Computer

    If you have accounts on several computer systems, and you would
    like to be able to read your e-mail on
    only one system, you can forward your mail from your UNIX account
    to another computer system. To do this,
    simply create a file named .forward in your home directory
    that contains your e-mail address on the
    other system. For example, if you have a UNIX cluster account and
    a WAM account, and you wish to forward all
    your mail to the WAM system, use a text editor to create a
    .forward file on the cluster that contains
    the line:


    As long as the .forward file exists on the cluster, all
    mail sent there will be forwarded to the
    WAM system. To stop mail forwarding, simply delete or rename the
    .forward file.

      Note: If you wish to forward mail from your WAM
      or Glue account to your cluster account,
      you must place the .forward file in your mail

Other Mail Programs

    The standard UNIX Berkeley mail program described here
    is only one of many mail programs. Other
    easier to use mail programs with more or better features are
    available. Most of the publicly available UNIX
    systems at the University have mailers available.

    One example is the Pine mail program. Pine is the
    more popular of the mail programs because
    it can be used from any kind of computer. It has many advanced
    features including a graphical interface for
    reading mail, a help utility, and the ability to "attach" files to
    mail messages. To use it, type
    pine at the UNIX prompt.

    Another example is the mail-handler (mh) system. The
    mh system is a group of independent
    programs that are called separately from the Unix prompt to
    perform mail handling functions - sending mail,
    or retrieving, reading, saving, replying to and forwarding
    incoming mail. The mh mail handler has
    facilities to set up aliases and can send blind carbon copies to
    others within the mail program. Each mail
    item is maintained as an individual file and can be placed in a
    folder (directory) of choice.

    Graphical mail clients, such as Netscape 7 or Outlook
    Express 6
    , are a convenient way to check your
    e-mail, and are the preferred alternative to
    Berkeley mail and Pine. See
    for more
    information about which client would work best for

Getting Help

SUDO (Superuser Do) di FreeBSD

SUDO (Superuser Do) di FreeBSD

Sudo berfungsi untuk memberikan otoritas kepada user tertentu untuk menjalankan command / perintah seperti yang dilakukan atau hanya dapat dijalankan oleh superuser atau root. Sudo juga melakukan logging degan baik, sehingga admin dapat melakukan kontrol terhadap user mereka. Berikut akan dijelaskan singkat instalasi dan konfigurasi nya.
1. INSTALL SUDOSudo dapat didownload dari http://www.courtesan.com/sudo/dist/sudo-1.6.6.tar.gz

root@bsd /usr/local > wget http://www.courtesan.com/sudo/dist/sudo-1.6.6.tar.gz
–19:34:06– http://www.courtesan.com/sudo/dist/sudo-1.6.6.tar.gz
=> `sudo-1.6.6.tar.gz’
Resolving www.courtesan.com… done.
Connecting to www.courtesan.com[]:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 333,074 [application/x-tar]
100%[================================>] 333,074 4.93K/s ETA 00:00

19:35:14 (4.93 KB/s) - `sudo-1.6.6.tar.gz’ saved [333074/333074]

Setelah download selesai, ekstrak dan install root@bsd /usr/local > tar -xzvf sudo-1.6.6.tar.gz
root@bsd /usr/local > cd sudo-1.6.6
root@bsd /usr/local/sudo-1.6.6 > make
root@bsd /usr/local/sudo-1.6.6 > make install

setelah instalasi selesai, file konfigurasinya (sudoers) terdapat di /etc , sedangkan visudo ( file untuk melakukan konfigurasi ) terdapat di /usr/local/sbin/ .

2. KONFIGURASIUntuk melakukan konfigurasi sudo jalankan visudo root ~> /usr/local/sbin/visudo

User_Alias di gunakan untuk memberikan Alias kepada user yang akan menjalankan sudo.

# User alias specification
User_Alias USER1=wus, d0lsoto
User_Alias USER2=mbuh

Cmnd_Alias untuk command yang akan dijalankan oleh sudo # Cmnd alias specification
Cmnd_Alias PPP=/usr/sbin/ppp, /usr/sbin/offline, /usr/sbin/pppstat
Cmnd_Alias HALT=/sbin/halt, /sbin/shutdown, /sbin/reboot
Cmnd_Alias IPF=/sbin/ipf, /sbin/ipnat, /sbin/ipfstat
Cmnd_Alias IPMONLOG=/sbin/ipmonitor

User spesification untuk menentukan user mana dan command apa yang akan dijalankan. # User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL

Menurut default nya user akan dimintai password dahulu untuk menjalankan command dalam sudo. Apabila kita tidak menginginkan password untuk setiap kali user menjalankan sudo, dapat kita lakukan dengan menambahkan : # Uncomment to allow people in group wheel to run all commands

Jadi untuk USER1 hanya akan dimintai password bila menjalankan command yang ada dalam alias HALT. Sedangkan untuk USER2 akan selalu diminta password setiap kali menjalankan command. Untuk manual konfigurasi yang lebih lebih lengkap dan complicated dapat dilihat di http://www.courtesan.com/sudo/man/sudoers.html

contoh file sudoers : # sudoers file.
# This file MUST be edited with the ‘visudo’ command as root.
# See the sudoers man page for the details on how to write a sudoers file.
# Host alias specification

# User alias specification
User_Alias USER1=wus, d0lsoto
User_Alias USER2=mbuh

# Cmnd alias specification
Cmnd_Alias PPP=/usr/sbin/ppp, /usr/sbin/offline, /usr/sbin/pppstat
Cmnd_Alias HALT=/sbin/halt, /sbin/shutdown, /sbin/reboot
Cmnd_Alias IPF=/sbin/ipf, /sbin/ipnat, /sbin/ipfstat
Cmnd_Alias IPMONLOG=/sbin/ipmonitor

# User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL

# Uncomment to allow people in group wheel to run all commands
# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

# Same thing without a password

# Samples
# %users ALL=/sbin/mount /cdrom,/sbin/umount /cdrom
# %users localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now

IP alias dengan ifconfig di FreeBSD

IP alias dengan ifconfig di FreeBSD

Untuk memberikan IP alias pada sebuah Ethernet card (dalam contoh digunakan interface rl0) , perhatikan contoh berikut : # ifconfig rl0

rl0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
inet6 fe80::250:bfff:fe21:7aab%rl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0×1
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
ether 00:50:bf:21:7a:ab
media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX)
status: active

Dapat dilihat bahwa Ethernet tersebut (rl0) memiliki IP , kita akan coba memberikan IP lain ( pada rl0 : # ifconfig rl0 inet netmask alias

Kemudian coba kita lihat :

# ifconfig rl0

rl0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
inet6 fe80::250:bfff:fe21:7aab%rl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0×1
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
inet netmask 0xffffffff broadcast
ether 00:50:bf:21:7a:ab
media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX)
status: active

sekarang rl0 telah memiliki dua IP address, dan, cek dengan ping :

# ping

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.295 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.667 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.665 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.657 ms
— ping statistics —
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.295/0.571/0.667/0.159 ms

Untuk menghilangkan IP alias dapat dilakukan dengan :

# ifconfig rl0 inet -alias
# ifconfig rl0

rl0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
inet6 fe80::250:bfff:fe21:7aab%rl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0×1
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
ether 00:50:bf:21:7a:ab
media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX)
status: active

Untuk menambahkan IP alias setiap kali system start , Edit rc.conf dan tambahkan :

ifconfig_rl0_alias0=”inet netmask″
ifconfig_rl0_alias1=”inet netmask″

contoh diatas adalah apabila kita akan menambahkan IP alias pada rl0 dengan dua IP ( dan ), dengan catatan dimulai dengan ifconfig_rl0_alias0=”" dan seterusnya.

Entri ini dibuat oleh kang deden dan ditulis pada 31 Januari, 2007 pada 1:49 pm dan diberkaskan di dalam FreeBsd. Buat Penanda Halaman Tautan Permanen. Ikuti komentar apa pun di sini dengan Pengumpan RSS untuk tulisan ini. Tulis komen atau tinggalkan trackback: URL Trackback

Membangun Web Server di FreeBSD

Membangun Web Server di FreeBSD

Proyek Apache HTTP Server ini merupakan proyek open-source yang dikembangkan oleh Apache Software Foundation. Lembaga ini bertujuan mengembangkan Apache sebagai aplikasi web server modern yang bisa dipergunakan di multi platform OS, khususnya Unix dan Windows.

Saya tidak akan membahas sejarah perkembangan Apache ini secara rinci. Untuk mengetahui lebih lengkap perkembangannya silakan kunjungi About the Apache HTTP Server Project.

Dalam artikel ini, saya tidak hanya membahas Apache secara khusus saja, namun juga beberapa aplikasi yang umum dipergunakan bersama aplikasi ini, seperti OpenSSL, MySQL, dan PHP.

1. Download

Aplikasi yang dipergunakan dalam artikel ini adalah Apache versi 2.2.3, MySQL versi 5.0.22, OpenSSL versi 0.9.8d, dan PHP versi 5.2.0.

Dari semua aplikasi di atas, hanya Apache dan PHP yang akan diinstall secara manual, sedang MySQL dan OpenSSL diinstall via ports. Jadi yang akan didownload secara manual hanya Apache dan PHP.

Apache versi terakhir dapat didownload di http://apache.the.net.id/httpd/httpd-2.2.3.tar.bz2. Versi terakhir Apache saat artikel ini ditulis adalah versi 2.2.3. Dan versi PHP terakhir saat ini adalah versi 5.2.0. PHP dapat didownload di http://id2.php.net/get/php-5.2.0.tar.bz2/from/a/mirror.

2. Instalasi

2.1. Install MySQL

Sebelum menginstall Apache dan PHP, yang harus diinstall terlebih dahulu adalah MySQL dan OpenSSL. Untuk menginstalasi kedua aplikasi ini di FreeBSD cukup mudah melalui ports.

$ cd /usr/ports/database/mysql51-server

$ sudo make install

$ sudo portupgrade -rR mysql51-server

Command terakhir adalah untuk mengupgrade versi MySQL ke versi terbaru.

Untuk mengaktifkan MySQL saat booting, buka file /etc/rc.conf dan tambahkan baris:

mysql_enable = “YES”

Copykan file konfigurasi MySQL:

$ sudo cp /usr/local/share/mysql/my-medium.cnf /var/db/mysql/my.cnf

$ sudo chgrp mysql /var/db/mysql/my.cnf

Kemudian jalankan command berikut untuk mengaktifkan daemon MySQL.

$ sudo /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start

Bila berhasil, seharusnya Anda akan melihat baris berikut saat menjalankan command ps ax | grep mysql:

678 p0- I 0:00.01 /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe –defaults-extra-file=/var/db/mysql/my.cnf –user=mysql –datadir=/var/db/mysql

701 p0- S 383:04.45 /usr/local/libexec/mysqld –defaults-extra-file=/var/db/mysql/my.cnf –basedir=/usr/local –datadir=/var/db/mysql

Selanjutnya buat password untuk MySQL root user:

$ sudo mysqladmin -u root password ‘password-root-mysql’

Coba masuk ke MySQL console dengan password root tersebut.

$ mysql -u root -p

Enter password:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 603704 to server version: 5.0.22

Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the buffer.

mysql> \q


2.2. Install OpenSSL

Langkah selanjutnya adalah menginstalasi OpenSSL, cara menginstalasi OpenSSL dalam hal ini menggunakan ports juga.

$ cd /usr/ports/security/openssl

$ sudo make install clean

Buat direktori untuk menempatkan certificate SSL:

$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/openssl/{certs,private}

Kemudian generate private key 1024-bit:

$ cd /usr/local/openssl

$ sudo /usr/local/bin/openssl genrsa -out private/namadomain.com.key 1024

Ubah permission untuk direktori private menjadi:

$ sudo chown -R root:wheel private

$ sudo chmod -R 600 private

$ sudo chmod u+X private

Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) File:

$ /usr/local/bin/openssl req -new -key private/namadomain.com.key -out certs/namadomain.com.csr

Country Name (2 letter code) [GB]: ID

State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: Propinsi

Locality Name (eg, city) []: Kota

Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: PT. Nama Usaha

Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: Bidang Usaha Perusahaan

Common Name (eg, your name or your server’s hostname) []: namadomain.com

Email Address []: postmaster@namadomain.com

Please enter the following ‘extra’ attributes

to be sent with your certificate request

A challenge password []: masukkanpassword

An optional company name []:

Kemudian buat Certificate Signed (CRT) file:

$ sudo /usr/local/bin/openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in certs/namadomain.com.csr -out certs/namadomain.com.crt -signkey private/namadomain.com.key

Certificate yang dibuat itu nantinya akan digunakan bila webserver support SSL.

2.3. Install Apache

Saya asumsikan, source Apache hasil download Anda disimpan di /home/users.

$ cd /home/users

$ tar -jxvf httpd-2.2.3.tar.bz2

$ cd httpd-2.2.3

$ ./configure \

–prefix=/usr/local/apache2 \

–enable-rewrite \

–enable-dav \

–enable-ssl \

–with-ssl=/usr/local \

–enable-vhost-alias \


$ make

$ sudo make install

Keterangan dari masing-masing opsi di atas adalah:

–prefix=[DIR]: Menginstall aplikasi ke target direktori yang ditentukan.

–enable-rewrite: Mengaktifkan rule based URL manipulation melalui module mod_rewrite.

–enable-dav: Mengaktifkan protocol WebDAV melalui module mod_dav. Dengan protocol WebDAV ini memungkinkan membuat, memindah, menyalin, dan menghapus resource pada sebuah web server.

–enable-ssl: Mengaktifkan module SSL/TLS.

–with-ssl=[DIR]: Di mana library SSL/TLS diinstall.

–enable-vhost-alias: Support dengan banyak virtual host.

–with-included-apr: Install apr. APR atau Apache Portable Runtime pada Apache 2.2.x versi merupakan source yang sudah menyatu dengan Apache Source.

2.4. Install PHP

Sebelum Anda menginstalasi PHP, saya sarankan untuk menginstall aplikasi-aplikasi via ports yang diperlukan (recommended) PHP saat instalasinya. Aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut adalah:

- mcrypt (/usr/ports/security/mcrypt) dan libmcrypt (/usr/ports/security/libmcrypt)

- db4 (/usr/ports/databases/db4) dan gdbm (/usr/ports/databases/gdbm)

- gd (/usr/ports/graphics/gd)

- libxml2 (/usr/ports/textproc/libxml2)

Saya asumsikan pula, source PHP yang Anda download disimpan di /home/users.

$ cd /home/users

$ tar -jxvf php-5.2.0.tar.bz2

$ cd php-5.2.0

$ ./configure \

–with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs \

–with-mysql=/usr/local \

–with-openssl=/usr/local \

–with-config-file-path=/usr/local/apache2/conf \

–with-png-dir=/usr/local/lib \

–with-gettext=/usr/local/lib \

–with-gd \

–with-zlib \

–with-xml \

–with-mcrypt=/usr/local/lib \

–enable-mbstring=all \


$ make

$ make install

Keterangan dari masing-masing opsi di atas adalah:

–with-apxs2[=FILE]: Menyertakan shared Apache 2.0 Handler module.

–with-mysql[=DIR]: Menyertakan dukungan MySQL. DIR adalah di mana binary MySQL diinstall.

–with-openssl[=DIR]: Menyertakan dukungan OpenSSL.

–with-config-file-path=PATH: Di mana file php.ini akan diletakkan.

–with-png-dir[=DIR]: Menyertakan dukungan format file PNG.

–with-gettext[=DIR]: Menyertakan dukungan GNU gettext.

–with-gd[=DIR]: Menyertakan dukungan GD.

–with-zlib[=DIR]: Menyertakan dukungan zlib.

–with-libxml-dir[=DIR]: Menyertakan dukungan XML.

–with-mcrypt[=DIR]: Menyertakan dukungan mcrypt atau Multi-cipher cryptographic library.

–enable-mbstring: Mengaktifkan dukungan multibyte string.

–disable-short-tags: Nonaktifkan penggunaan tag pendek <? pada script PHP.

Edit file /usr/local/apache2/conf/php.ini dan sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda. Pada dasarnya default file konfigurasi ini sudah cukup baik.

Karena PHP diinstall sebagai module pada Apache, kita perlu mengubah kepemilikan direktori PHP yang hanya akan mengijinkan akses kepada user root dan www saja.

$ sudo chown -R root:www /usr/local/lib/php

$ sudo chmod -R g-w,o-rwx /usr/local/lib/php

Edit file /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf dan ubah baris-baris berikut menjadi:

<IfModule !mpm_netware_module>

User www

Group www


ServerAdmin hostmaster@namadomain.com

ServerName www.namadomain.com:80

<IfModule dir_module>

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php


<IfModule mime_module>

TypesConfig conf/mime.types

AddType application/x-compress .Z

AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi


Aktifkan juga baris-baris berikut dengan menghilangkan tanda # di awal barisnya:

Include conf/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf

Include conf/extra/httpd-userdir.conf

Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

Include conf/extra/httpd-dav.conf

Include conf/extra/httpd-default.conf

Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

Selanjutnya ubah permission direktori Apache:

$ cd /usr/local

Ubah kepemilikan direktori apache2 ke user root:wheel

$ sudo chown -R root:wheel apache2

Ubah permission pada direktori apache2. Karena direktori ini kepemilikannya oleh root:wheel dan supaya bisa diakses oleh group www, kita ijinkan group www ini membaca dan mengeksekusi file-file di bawahnya.

$ sudo chmod 755 apache2

Selanjutnya pada direktori apache2 ini hanya akan mengijinkan user root saja untuk dapat membaca dan menulisinya dengan mengubah permission menjadi:

$ sudo chmod -R 600 apache2/*

Hanya user root saja yang dapat mengakses seluruh direktori yang berada di bawah direktori apache2:

$ sudo chmod -R u+X apache2

$ cd apache2

Ubah kepemilikan direktori binary Apache ke user root:

$ sudo chmod -R u+x bin

Direktori cgi-bin juga berisi file-file binari. Hanya mengijinkan user root dan group www saja yang bisa mengaksesnya.

$ sudo chgrp -R www cgi-bin

$ sudo chmod -R u+x,g+x cgi-bin

Web server akan membaca direktori icons, maka ubah pula kepemilikannya agar bisa dibaca oleh group www.

$ sudo chgrp -R www icons

$ sudo chmod -R g+rX icons

Ubah juga permission direktori logs:

$ sudo chgrp -R www logs

$ sudo chmod g+wX logs

Terakhir ubah kepemilikan direktori htdocs agar bisa dibaca oleh publik. Direktori ini nanti merupakan tempat menyimpan file-file web yang akan ditampilkan pada browser. Akses penulisan ke direktori ini hanya dibatasi kepada user root saja.

$ sudo chgrp -R www htdocs

$ sudo chmod -R g+rX htdocs

Karena menginstall Apache dari source file. Kita harus membuat sendiri startup script-nya agar dapat dieksekusi oleh server pada saat booting. Start up script diletakkan di direktori /usr/local/etc/rc.d. Startup script dapat didownload di sini: Apache-2 FreeBSD Startup Script

Kemudian tambahkan dua baris berikut pada file /etc/rc.conf:



Ubah permission file start up script menjadi:

$ sudo chmod 555 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache.sh

Jalankan file tersebut untuk mengaktifkan daemon httpd:

$ sudo /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache.sh start

Periksa apakah daemon httpd sudah aktif dengan command ps ax:

$ ps ax | grep httpd

33549 ?? Ss 0:12.88 /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -DSSL

33550 ?? I 0:00.43 /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -DSSL

33551 ?? I 0:00.40 /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -DSSL

33552 ?? I 0:00.32 /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -DSSL

Bila output di console Anda sudah seperti di atas, selamat! Anda sudah berhasil menginstall web server pada server Anda.

3. Referensi

  1. http://www.bowe.id.au/michael/isp/webmail-server.htm#MYSQL

  2. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/

  3. http://www.google.co.id



Disini saya akan menjelaskan langkah langkah dalam membuat smtp server
dengan postfix baik sekarang kita mulai untuk menginstall postfix

server $ cd /usr/local/src/

server $ cd postfix xxxxx.tar.gz

alangkah lebih baik bila kita membuat dahulu user untuk postfixnya
dengan cara

server $ pw adduser postfix

nah sekarang kita rubah user postfix di master.passwd dan buat menjadi
home :nonexistent dan shell /sbin/nologin
bila sudah selesai sekarang kita tinggal mengkompile source postfix tadi

server $ make

server $ make install

secara default postfix akan di simpan di direktory /etc/postfix.
nah sekarang kita akan mengotakatik postfix tersebut

server $ cd /etc/postfix

server $ cp main.cf main.cf.old

server $ ee main.cf

rubahlah atau tambahkan pada baris berikut ini

queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix

program_directory = /some/where/postfix/bin

command_directory = /usr/sbin

daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix

mail_owner = postfix

myhostname = server.contoh.com

mydomain = contoh.com

myorigin = $mydomain

inet_interfaces = all

mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain $mydomain

alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases

alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases

mail_spool_directory = /var/mail

mynetworks =,

smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name ($mail_version)

local_destination_concurrency_limit = 2

default_destination_concurrency_limit = 10

debug_peer_level = 2

debugger_command =


xxgdb $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id & sleep 5

virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical

Bila sudah selesai sekarang kita akan membuat virtual dan canonical
untuk mendaftarkan user dan untuk mengalokasikan e-mail tersebut dengan

server $ pwd


server $ ee virtual

tambahkan baris berikut ini

user@contoh.com user

user1@contoh.com user1

user2@contoh.com user2


nah sekarang kita akan membuat canonical

user user@contoh.com

user1 user1@contoh.com

user2 user2@contoh.com


bila sudah selesai sekarang yang kita alkukan adalah

server $ /usr/sbin/postmap virtual

server $ /usr/sbin/postmap canonical

ok sekarang kita bikin aliasnya untuk postfix

server $ mv /etc/aliases /etc/aliases.old

server $ ee /etc/aliases

postfix: root

root : user@contoh.com

mailer-daemon : user@contoh.com

postmaster : user@contoh.com

Nah sekarang kita tinggal menjalankan postfix tersebut dan mencoba
untuk mengetstnya dengan cara :

server $ /usr/sbin/postfix start

server $ telnet contoh.com 25


Connected to contoh.com

Escape character is ']'.

220 server.contoh.com ESMTP postfix(postfix-19991231-pl13)


Connection closed by foreign host.

Selamat anda baru saja menginstallkan postfix sebagai SMTP server

bila anda ingin supaya postfix tersebut jalan pada waktu boot buatlah
atau tambahkan pada rc.local

server $ echo "/usr/sbin/postfix start" >> /etc/rc.local



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