








Monday, January 17, 2005

Vincent Liong (keep goin)

Di depan monitor computer anda masing-masing.Dengan hormat,Bersama dengan surat ini saya ingin menyampaikanbeberapa hal berkaitan dengan judul yang sudah sayatulis di atas; “Metro TV Menghargai Objek WawancaraPsikologis sebagai Individu Pesakitan”. Dalam suratini saya akan membaginya dalam pembahasan sebagaiberikut:*

Menghargai Objek Wawancara Psikologis s.*
Pendapat / Perbandingan versi saya(Vincentliong)* Yang Saya Benarkan dan Saya Salahkan.* Siapakah Vincent Liong?*

Harap dibacaMenghargai Objek Wawancara Psikologis sebagaiPesakitanJumat, 16 Juli 2004Saya mendapat SMS dari klinik ‘ProreVital’ yangberbunyi:VINCENT ,BESOK AJAK JUGA PAPA & MAMA YA TLG PAKAI BAJUPUTIH KARENA MAU DI SHOOT METRO TV.BYE KLIKIKSender: +6281599605**

Beberapa hari sebelumnya memang saya telah membuat appointment dengan Dr. Tubagus Erwin Kusuma,SpKJ(Dr.Erwin) untuk berkonsultasi (kunjungan ke empatkali) dari rencana kunjungan keseluruhan sebanyak limakali. Appointment pada tanggal 17 Juli 2004 Pk 11.00WIB yang saya maksutkan untuk belajar metode-metodespiritual yang dihubungkan dengan kedokteran olehDr.Erwin.Sabtu, 17 Juli 2004Pada Pk 11.10 WIB saya sampai di klinik ProreVital.

Seharusnya saya sudah sampai sepuluh menit sebelumnya,tetapi saya terlambat. Saya masuk ke ruangan dokterErwin di lantai 3 klinik untuk belajar dan keluar dariruangan Pk 12.01 WIB. Saya naik ke lantai 4 dimanasudah disiapkan untuk acara wawancara untuk dimasukkandi dalam program “Bincang Pagi” di Metro TV sehubungandengan saya dan teman-teman yang dianggap oleh ilmukedokteran sebagai orang Indigo (Memiliki aura Nila).

Selang kurang lebih sepuluh menit, tanpa berbicaradengan objek wawancara soal pertanyaan yang akandiajukan dalam wawancara, kru dari Metro TV (yangberjumlah dua orang) bersiap-siap untuk memulaishooting. Dalam persiapan itu pewawancara (tidak sayasebutkan namanya) sempat mengatakan bahwa ia sedangkerja magang di Metro TV.Yang terlebih dahulu diminta untuk ikut di shootadalah kedua orangtua saya(Inna Wongso & Liong JunHok) dan Rossini orangtua dari Dias yang juga dianggapIndigo.

Setelah pewawancara menanyakan kepadakameramen untuk mengambil sudut pengambilan gambaryang pas, shooting dimulai dengan pertanyaan kepadaRossini.Pertanyaan Pertama;”Gimana perasaan punya anakIndigo?”(NOTE versi Vincentliong: Pertanyaan di awal; yanglangsung menuju ke soal perasaan seorang ibu yangdikatakan oleh pihak dokter bahwa anaknya Indigomembuat suatu tekanan bagi si ibu soal bagaimana iaakan membawa anaknya? Apakah ia akan mengatakan bahwaYa, anak saya Indigo di tengah teori tentang indigoyang masih dapat dikatakan baru dan belum benar-benarditerima masyarakat.

Dalam hal ini Rossini memilihuntuk menggambarkan kekurangtahuannya akan bidang inidan mengalihkan pertanyaan ke cerita tentangkeseharian anaknya tanpa menjawab pertanyaan denganbaik dan benar.)Pertanyaan Kedua;”Apa keistimewaan Dias?”(NOTE versi Vincentliong: Rupanya pewawancara mengertipembelokkan arah pertanyaan dari kata Indigo sebagaipoint utama kearah sesuatu yang sifatnya umum. Makapertanyaan ini dimunculkan dan Rossini hanya berbicarayang umum-umum saja soal bagaimana seorang ibu kagumakan anaknya.)

Setelah mewawancara Rossini maka giliran orangua sayadiwawancara. Sebelum saya masuk ke cerita saya soalwawancara terhadap orangtua saya, perlu kiranya sayaceritakan latarbelakang pendidikan orangtua saya. Papasaya Liong Jun Hok lulusan dari jurusan IT dan Elektrodari sebuah universitas di Jerman. Mama saya InnaWongso adalah lulusan Mathematic dan IT dari sebuahuniversitas di Netherland. Kedua orangtua saya sangatberbeda dengan saya karena pola pikir mereka yangscientific dan penuh dengan ilmu yang hukumnya pasti,sedangkan saya paling tidak suka pada pelajaranmatematika dan segala berbau science.

Pertanyaan Pertama;”Apa itu anak indigo menurut ibu?”(NOTE versi Vincentliong: Pertanyaan ini menembak diawal dengan dua pilihan. Jika orangtua saya lebihmemilih untuk menganggap anaknya memenuhi kata Indigo,maka ia akan mengambil kesimpulan berdasarkanpengalamannya hidup bersama anaknya. Jika orangtuasaya tidak benar-benar yakin bahwa anaknya indigo,tidak yakin bahwa apa nilai dan arti indigo itusendiri, maka orangtua saya akan mengambil jawabanatas pertanyaan tentang;”Apa itu anak Indigo” sesuaidengan tulisan-tulisan karya para ahli yang merasalebih sehat daripada orang lain. Masalahnya dalamwawancara ini orangtua saya sudah dinyatakan lebihdulu sebagai orangtua dari seorang anak(yaitu saya)yang dinyatakan indigo oleh para ahli. Tentu tidak adajawaban yang benar.

Meski demikian orangtua saya maluuntuk menjawab; tidak tahu. Ibu saya mencoba mengingatkembali buku-buku yang dipelajarinya tentang anakindigo dan menjawab sesuai dengan apa yang tertulis disana. Kesimpulan yang keluar adalah tidak sama dengananaknya tetapi harus mewakili anaknya. Saya haruskatakana bahwa dalam hal ini kedua orangtua sayagoblok.)Pertanyaan Kedua;”Sejak kapan anak ibu Indigo?”(NOTE versi Vincentliong: Dalam pertanyaan inipewawancara sudah menekankan benar bahwa kesimpulanbuku telah benar-benar mewakili anak dari objekwawancara tanpa membutuhkan lagi bukti-buktipengalaman selama hidup bersama dengan anak itu (yaitusaya) untuk disebutkan. Dan memang cerita masa kecilsaya, pengalaman, dan prestasi saya sama sekali tidaksempat untuk disebutkan.

Di awalnya orangtua sayamenjawab pertanyaan ini dengan mengatakan bahwa halini diketahuinya dari dokter, tetapi soal kelebihananaknya sudah diketahuinya sejak saya kecil. Di tengahmenjawab mama saya mulai sadar bahwa dirinya masukjebakan dan mengatakan dengan mendadak;”Anak sayabukan Indigo.” Tetapi ia kembali dan tetap melanjutkankembali seperti jawaban sebelumnya. Sementara itu papa saya terbakar oleh kesimpulan-kesimpulan buku yangdisamakan dengan anaknya dan terlanjur percaya karena itu keluar dari mulut isterinya. Papa sayamengeluarkan pernyataan-pernyataan membela diris eperti misalnya;”Keluarga kami keluarga yang liberal.Kami menghargai kebebasan anak, dsb…” Dan akhirnyasampai wawancara selesai.)Ketika wawancara dengan kedua orangtua saya selesai,saya memberi tanda jempol terbalik sebagai tandakecewa.

Orangtua saya datang ke saya dan saya mulai mencaci maki mereka lalu pergi meninggalkan ruangan.Ketika pewawancara berniat mewawancara anak dariRossini, energi yang kuat membuat kamera terdistorsi.Maka wawancara dihentikan setelah melakukan wawancaradengan orangtua dari beberapa anak yang dianggapindigo. Tanpa anak yang dianggap Indigo itu sendiri.18 Juli 2004 pagi-pagi, saya baikkan dengan kedua ortu saya.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Nice Forensic-Team

spent 5 weeks with my forensic groups is alot of fun, I like that alot...
I just can say that I do like working with you guys.. someday we might have another bussiness.. :D


Monday, January 03, 2005

Self Confidence

Self-confidence is an attitude which allows individuals to have positive yet realistic views of themselves and their situations. Self-confident people trust their own abilities, have a general sense of control in their lives, and believe that, within reason, they will be able to do what they wish, plan, and expect. Having self-confidence does not mean that individuals will be able to do everything. Self-confident people have expectations that are realistic. Even when some of their expectations are not met, they continue to be positive and to accept themselves.

People who are not self-confident depend excessively on the approval of others in order to feel good about themselves. They tend to avoid taking risks because they fear failure. They generally do not expect to be successful. They often put themselves down and tend to discount or ignore compliments paid to them. By contrast, self-confident people are willing to risk the disapproval of others because they generally trust their own abilities. They tend to accept themselves; they don't feel they have to conform in order to be accepted.

Self-confidence is not necessarily a general characteristic which pervades all aspects of a person's life. Typically, individuals will have some areas of their lives where they feel quite confident, e.g., academics, athletics, while at the same time they do not feel at all confident in other areas, e.g., personal appearance, social relationships.

How is Self-Confidence Initially Developed?Many factors affect the development of self-confidence. Parent's attitudes are crucial to children's feelings about themselves, particularly in children's early years. When parents provide acceptance, children receive a solid foundation for good feelings about themselves. If one or both parents are excessively critical or demanding, or if they are overprotective and discourage moves toward independence, children may come to believe that they are incapable, inadequate, or inferior. However, if parents encourage children's moves toward self-reliance and accept and love their children when they make mistakes, children will learn to accept themselves and will be on their way to developing self-confidence.

Surprisingly, lack of self-confidence is not necessarily related to lack of ability. Instead it is often the result of focusing too much on the unrealistic expectations or standards of others, specially parents and society. Friends' influences can be as powerful or more powerful than those of parents and society in shaping feelings about one's self. Students in their college years re-examine values and develop their own identities and thus are particularly vulnerable to the influence of friends.

Assumptions that Continue to Influence Self-ConfidenceIn response to external influences, people develop assumptions; some of these are constructive and some are harmful. Several assumptions that can interfere with self-confidence and alternative ways of thinking are:
  1. Assumption: "I must always have love or approval from every significant person in my life."
    Alternative: This is a perfectionistic, unattainable goal. It is more realistic and desirable to develop personal standards and values that are not completely dependent on the approval of others.
  2. Assumption: "I must be thoroughly competent, adequate, and achieving in all important areas of my life."
    Alternative: This again is a perfectionistic, unattainable goal and suggests that personal worth is determined by achievement. Achievement can be satisfying but does not make you more worthy. Instead, worth is an inherent quality and all people possess it.
  3. Assumption: "My past remains all important and controls my feelings and behaviors in the present."
    Alternative: While it is true that your confidence was especially vulnerable to external influences during your childhood, as you grow older you can gain awareness and perspective on what those influences have been. In doing so, you can choose which influences you will continue to allow to have an effect on your life. You don't have to be helpless in he face of past events.
Self-Defeating Thought Patterns

Subscribing to these harmful assumptions leaves you vulnerable to the following self-defeating thought patterns:
  • All or nothing thinking. "I am a total failure when my performance is not perfect."
  • Seeing only dark clouds. Disaster lurks around every corner and comes to be expected. For example, a single negative detail, piece of criticism, or passing comment darkens all reality. "I got a C on one chem. test, now I'll never get into medical school."
  • Magnification of negative/minimization of positive. Good things don't count nearly as much as bad ones. "I know I won five chess games in a row, but losing this one makes me feel terrible about myself."
  • Uncritical acceptance of emotions as truth. "I feel ugly so it must be true.
  • Overemphasis on "should" statements. "Should statements are often perfectionistic and reflective of others' expectations rather than expressive of you own wants and desires. "Everyone should have a career plan when they come to college. I don't, so there must be something wrong with me."
  • Labeling. Labeling is a simplistic process and often conveys a sense of blame. "I am a loser and it's my fault."
  • Difficulty accepting compliments. "You like this outfit? I think it makes me look fat.
The following strategies may help overcome such self-defeating thought patterns.

Strategies for Developing Confidence
  • Emphasize strengths. Give yourself credit for everything you try. By focusing on what you can do, you applaud yourself for efforts rather than emphasizing end products. Starting from a base of what you can do instead of what you should do helps you live within the bounds of our inevitable limitations.
  • Take risks. Approach new experiences as opportunities to learn rather than occasions to win or lose. Doing so opens you up to new possibilities and can increase your sense of self-acceptance. Not doing so turns every possibility into an opportunity for failure, and inhibits persona growth.
  • Use self-talk. Self-talk as an opportunity to counter harmful assumptions Practice catching ourselves as you make these assumptions. Then, tell yourself to "stop" and substitute more reasonable assumptions. For example, when you catch yourself expecting perfection, remind yourself that you can't do everything perfectly, that it's only possible to try to do things and to try to do them well. This allows you to accept yourself while still striving to improve.
  • Self-evaluate. Learn to evaluate yourself independently. Doing so allows you to avoid the constant sense of turmoil that comes from relying exclusively on the opinions of others. Focusing internally on how you feel about your own behavior, work, etc. will give you a stronger sense of self and will prevent you from giving your personal power away to others.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Indigo Movie..

Today, Its really sucks. Really boring... I dont know what to do... there is somethin not good infront of me.. somethin worst probably. But I have to calm this , so I go to the community and try to find somethin to control this feelin.

Even it still there ( argh its really hard to explain more clearly bout this stuff), but I am feelin much better after I found this blog http://theindigochildren.blogspot.com/2004/12/indigomovie-information.html

Yeah finnally someone launch that movie, I am Glad. Because there would be alot of Mundanes ( nick for normal people ) would knows that we are exist. And WE ARE NOT MAD !! So people would respect us as who we are.

well its time for me to go, ....

mood : stuck... %$%&$*#&^@*$*#&*#

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Tsunami Imagery through CRISP-Singapore-satelite


Indian Ocean Tsunami Imagery

Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia

Comparative imagery overview of coastline in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, pre- and post-tsunami.

(Image source: SPOT/CRISP-Singapore)

Comparative imagery overview of a village in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, pre- and post-tsunami.

(Image source: Space Imaging/CRISP-Singapore)

Comparative imagery overview of northern shore Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, area pre- and post-tsunami.

(Image source: Space Imaging/CRISP-Singapore)

Comparative imagery overview of a town in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, pre- and post-tsunami.

(Image source: DigitalGlobe)

Comparative imagery overview of area in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, pre- and post-tsunami.

(Image source: Space Imaging/CRISP-Singapore)

Comparative imagery overview of coastline in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, pre- and post-tsunami.

(Image source: SPOT/CRISP-Singapore)

Comparative imagery overview of a section of the northern shore of Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, pre- and post-tsunami.

(Image source: DigitalGlobe)

Comparative imagery overview of an urban area in proximity to the shore in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, pre- and post-tsunami.

(Image source: DigitalGlobe)

Comparative imagery overview of area in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, pre- and post-tsunami.

(Image source: Space Imaging/CRISP-Singapore)

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